Monday, July 20, 2009

Ordinary Days

Today was a day I enjoyed. I left work a bit early to head to a baby dr. apt to find that I've barely gained one pound but our little girl has doubled in size. The heat is really crazy- I am not used to it working in air conditioning all day long. Just getting in those extra ten minutes gave me a jump start ahead of the traffic and I was able to get Jon and Jaecob without the normal rush that I sometimes feel and we headed to Karate.

Jaecob is really enjoying this. We have noticed his listening skills are improving. Part of this I think comes with age and patient parents, but I do credit some of it to the disciple that is illustrated and emphasized in the class.

We came home to ripe cherry tomatoes and strawberries from the garden that had basked in the sunshine all day long and were ready for the pickin'. Jon made some broiled chicken for lunch today that gave the house a delightful aroma and made me hungry!

Work isn't exactly my favorite thing right now- but I am trying to continue to do what I know is right and to learn from all of the experiences. I love getting home to my family and look forward to my maternity leave with our new daughter and family as we bond together.

Last night it was too hot, even with the air conditioner on for our family to fall asleep so we decided to take a 1.5 mile walk, 1/4 of it which ended up in a mild jog- partly on an incline. It felt good to get a little run in, but I think I'll make it an every-other-day thing for the first week or so. :-) It's a bit depressing that there are no pre-natal yoga or exercise classes in the community at any of the gyms, clubs or centers. This is one of the downfalls of living in a smaller community where there isn't enough support or participation to offer the classes...and I can't tell you how much I miss deli turkey. Only a few more months left though..that's probably been one of the harder sacrifices..well, and wine.. Wine is one of my passionate loves. I am not to the point yet where I have had to give up sleeping half on my belly, but I know that's just around the corner too.

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